The NRI Institute of Technology, Pothavarappadu (NRIIT) is established in the state of Andhra Pradesh in the year 2008 under the patronage of Sri Durga Malleswari Educational society, Vijayawada, to provide quality technical education and to promote the research and development activities in Science, Engineering and Management fields.
The institution is built in a calm and serene atmosphere, surrounded by lush greenery and is well connected by college as well as public transportation. Ideally located on sprawling 20 acre Mango groves, on Vijayawada – Nuziveedu State Highway, the campus is about 23 KM away from Vijayawada and 22 KM away from Gannavaram Airport. NRIIT offers eight B. Tech Courses in Engineering viz., CSE, CSE (AI & ML), CSE (DS), IT, ECE, EEE, MECH and CIVIL Engineering and six Post Graduate programmes viz., M.Tech with five specializations viz., Computer Science and Engineering, Digital Electronics and Communication Systems, Power Electronics and Drives, Structural Engineering, and Thermal Engineering and Master of Business Administration.
The institution is granted autonomous status by UGC in 2018-19. It approved by AICTE, New Delhi and permanently affiliated to JNTU Kakinada. NRI Institute of Technology is accredited with NAAC “A” grade and has achieved NBA accreditation in B.Tech CSE, ECE and EEE.
All departments are well equipped with the state-of-the-art equipment, sophisticated laboratories, Computer Centers, with the most contemporary facilities backed by advanced computer systems and the latest software
The Departments of Computer Science and Engineering was established in the year 2008. The Department is known for its excellent facilities and faculty. It offers B.Tech (CSE), B.Tech (AI & ML), B.Tech (DS) and M.Tech (CSE) programs at Under graduate and Post Graduate levels. The aim of these programs is to enable students to acquire specialized knowledge for various subjects in computer science & information technology, as well as to enrich the students’ personal, social and cognitive development to meet challenges of today and tomorrow. The department is taking maximum advantage of autonomous status and has prepared an excellent course curriculum for its autonomous students linking industry with curriculum. The autonomous curriculum is enriched with a wide range of curses viz., Practice based learning, Project based learning, and choice based learning, Optional Electives, Skill Development courses, Co-curricular activities, Professional Development activities, CPT modules, Audit Courses and Open Electives etc.The department has acquired a Recognized Research Centre by J N T U Kakinada, after considering the potential of its resources. Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC) has established a state-of-the-art AP CMs Skill Excellence Centre with knowledge partners: Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Udacity, Coursera, etc. The department also entered into to MOU with 6 reputed organizations, which help us to arrange Expert lectures, Workshops, Seminar Talks, and Training Sessions.The department is enriched with 35 well qualified and experienced staff, out of which 7 staff members are Doctorates, 12 staff members are doing their Ph.Ds. Every year the staff members publish a total of 50 – 70 research papers in reputed international journals. The sincere efforts of teaching and non-teaching staff with their diversity of knowledge have spawned a plethora of exciting jobs. The department is making all its efforts to improve infrastructure & facilities in the Department. Department has been witnessing praise worthy performance of our passed out students in many Multi-national Companies and in general IT industry. Many companies of repute show their interest to visit our Institute for campus recruitment.
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has been initiated in the year 2008 with an intake of 60 students under UG Program. Currently the intake is 180 and as on rolls while lateral entries admitted in second year the no. of students in the department considerably raised to754.The P.G program has been initiated in 2012 in “Digital Electronics and Communication Systems” with an intake of 18 students. The department has 37 well qualified and experienced staff, out of which 4 staff members are Doctorates, 10 staff members are doing their Ph.Ds. The department is actively engaged in R&D, organizing seminars, workshops and conferences in related areas. The number of paper publications by the faculty in the past three years is 70 in National and International Journals. The number of PhDs guided by our faculty is 4. The Department has two funding projects worth Rs. 20,00,00/- for establishing Nodal Centre of Andhra Pradesh CM’s Skill Excellence Center and Rs. 5,00,000/-under AICTE Unnat Bharat Abhyan Scheme. Department takes credit of two patents which are under the process of review and approval. 18 faculties have applied for various funding projects. Some of our faculty conferred awards for their research, participation in Journals as advisory committee. Our faculty are certified in 49 NPTEL courses in the past two years and 7 faculties were awarded Elite+Silver and 20 faculties were awarded Elite. Two of our faculty is acting as Members in Board of Studies in other Institutions.
Our students participate in Technical, cocurricular and extracurricular activities in various institutions in and outside the state and published papers. Several students bagged first and second prizes. The Department has state-of-the-art equipment worth Rs 1,01,73,464 /- with 10well established laboratories, 9 Air Conditioned class rooms with LCD projector facility in all the rooms. The Department comprises of two software laboratories and one Research and Project laboratory with 150 Computers. Software labs and common areas of the department are equipped with CCTV cameras for monitoring and surveillance purpose. In addition to these, the department has additional facilities such as IOT Laboratory, AP Skill Development Centre, Antenna Radiation and pattern plotting system, PCB design tools and equipment, Trainer kits for Micro controllers and embedded systems, Spectrum Analyzer.
Every year more than60% of students get placed in MNCs with attractive packages. Many of our students are pursuing post graduation in and abroad the country. Our department signed MOUs with various Industries such as South Central Railways, Microlink Peripherals Limited, SRC Solutions, ARK Info Solutions etc. The department conducts workshops, certificate courses and internships in collaboration with the industry. At Institute level MOUsare signed with various Universities (Viz., New Mexico University, USA, Lincoln University, Malaysia etc.) around the world. The Department has a student chapter IETE and conducts Guest lectures, seminars, Quiz and Project exhibitions. Nearly 250 students are members in this IETE chapter. Students can choose from a number of academic flexibilities to pursue their career in a field of their interest. The programs are designed with the main objective of making students adapt to latest technologies, specializations and be industry ready at the end of their academic journey with NRIIT. Active Research is going on in, Embedded Systems, VLSI, Image Processing, Communications and Antennas… It is mandatory to our faculty to attend Seminars/Workshops/Faculty Development Programs at least once in a semester.
Our students are performing well in academics and they are encouraged in R&D activities and publishing papers in journals. They are participating in symposiums and seminars in various colleges and universities. They won the prizes in these events. Many companies of repute show their interest to visit our Institute for campus recruitment.
Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC) has established a state-of-the-art AP CMs Skill Excellence Centre with knowledge partners: Microsoft, SCILAB, IOT, Embedded systems etc.
The major objectives of the ICRAIC2IT-2021 are as follows:
The NRI Institute of Technology (Autonomous), Pothavarappadu, Vijayawada was established in 2008 under the patronage of Sri Durga Malleswari Educational society, Vijayawada, to provide quality technical education and to promote research and development activities in Science, Engineering and Management fields. The institution is built in a calm and serene atmosphere, surrounded by lush greenery and is well connected by college buses as well as public transportation. Ideally located on sprawling 20 acre Mango groves, on Vijayawada − Nuziveedu State Highway, the campus is about 23 KM away from Vijayawada and 22 KM away from Gannavaram Airport.
NRIIT offers ten B.Tech Courses in Engineering viz., CSE, CSE(AI&ML), CSE(DS), AI & ML, (CSE-Telugu Medium), IT, ECE, EEE, MECH and CIVIL Engineering and six Post Graduate programmes viz., M.Tech with five specializations in Computer Science and Engineering, Digital Electronics and Communication Systems, Power Electronics and Drives, Structural Engineering, and Thermal Engineering and Master of Business Administration.
All departments are well equipped with the state−of−the−art equipment, sophisticated laboratories, Computer Centers, with the most contemporary facilities backed by advanced computer systems and the software.