International Conference on Recent Advancements in Artificial Intelligence, Computational Intelligence, and Inclusive Technologies | ICRAIC2IT - 2025


Chief Patrons:

Dr R Venkat Rao, Chairman

Sri K Sreedhar, Secretary

Er K Sekhar Babu, Director

Er Ch Ravi Kumar, Director



Dr.C.Naga Bhaskar, Principal

Dr M V N Sarma, Director


Organizing Secretary:

Dr.K.V.Sambasivarao, CSE


Convener :

Dr.P.Rama Koteswara Rao, ECE



Dr K Krihna Murthy, ECE

Dr D Sunitha, CSE


Keynote speakers:

Prof. Lajos Hanzo

Professor, Electronics and Computer Science

University in Southampton, United Kingdom


Prof. Soundar Kumara

Affiliate Professor of Information Sciences and Technology

Penn State University, USA


Dr. Mohiuddin Ahmed

Lecturer of Computing & Security

School of Science

Edith Cowan University

270 Joondalup Dr, Joondalup



Md. Shahjahan Ali, PhD

Professor, Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Islamic University

District: Kushtia, Post Code: 7003










Technical Committee

Prof. Lajos Hanzo

Professor, Electronics and Computer Science

University in Southampton, United Kingdom


Prof. Dr. F. Al-Turjman

Professor & Research Center Director

Near East University, Turkey


Prof. Naveen Chilamkurti

Reader/Associate Professor, Comp Sci & Info Tech

Latrobe University, Australia


Dr. Mohammad S Khan

Professor Department of Computing

East Tennessee State University, USA


Prof. Marcos Eduardo Valle

Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics

Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing (IMECC),

University of Campinas, Brazil


Prof. Marco Di Renzo

CNRS Research Director

CentraleSupelec – University Paris-Sud Paris, FRANCE


Prof G Vara Prasad,

Computer Science and Engineering Department,

B M S College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India


Dr Mohiuddin Ahmed


Edith Cowan University, Australia


Prof O B V Ramanaiah,

Computer Science and Engineering Department

J N T University, Hyderabad, India


Prof. J V R Murthy,

Computer Science and Engineering Department

J N T University, Kakinada, India


Prof R B V Subramanyam

Computer Science and Engineering Department

NIT, Warangal


Prof. V.V. Subrahmanyam

Director & Professor

School of Computer and Information Sciences (SOCIS)

IGNOU, New Delhi – 110068



Professor and HOD

Information Technology

PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology

Kanuru, Vijayawada


Dr.Md. Shahjahan Ali

Islamic University,

Kushtia-7003, Bangladesh


Dr. IfiokOtung

University of South Wales,

Pontypridd, Cardiff, Newport, UK



PO BOX No.74,Al-Khuwair-133,



Dr. Jim Conrad

UNC Charlotte, ECE Department,

EPIC 2254, 9201 University City Boulevard,

Charlotte, NC 28223-0001, USA



Yildiz Technical University,DavutpaşaMah.,

Davutpaşa Caddesi, 34220 Esenler, İstanbul, Turkey


Dr. TadeuszAntoniWyscoki

Professor, Univeristy of Nebraska – Lincoln,

CEEN Department, Peter Kiewit Institute, 1110

South 67 St., Omaha, NE 68182 – 0572, USA


Program Steering Committee:

Sri Praveen Kamath

General Manager, Global Delivery and Enablement,

WIPRO Technologies, Hyderabad


Dr. SanatanSukhija

Assistant Professor, Ecole Centrale School of Engineering,

Mahindra University, Hyderabad


Dr. Neha Bharill

Assistant Professor, Ecole Centrale School of Engineering,

Mahindra University, Hyderabad


Dr. K Vijayakumar

Associate Professor, BMS College of Engineering,



Prof.  G Ram Murthy, Mahindra University,



Dr N SambasivaRao HOD,EEE,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli


Dr M Chaitanya Kishore Reddy, IT,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli


Dr K Prasada Rao, HOD, Mech,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli


Sri P Narendra Babu HOD,CIVIL,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli


Dr M Babu Prasad HOD,FED,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli


Dr B Hima Lakshmi   HOD, MBA,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli


Dr K Krishna Rao, S & H,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli


National Advisory Committee

Prof Rajashree Shettar

Professor, RV  College of Engineering,



Dr. Ch. Aswani Kumar

Professor & Head,

School of IT, VIT, Vellore, Tamilnadu.


Dr. D. Rajya Lakshmi

Professor, HOD & Principal (Academics)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

JNTU Narsaraopeta, A.P


Prof. Ashish Verma

Dr. HariSingh Gour University

Sagar M.P.- 47003


Dr. D.P. Ojha

Sambalpur University

Odisha- 7680019


Prof. T.Radha Krishna

JNTU, Hyderabad


Prof. K V R Murthy

M.S. University of Baroda

Baroda, Maharastra


Prof. B.S. Bellubi



Dr K Swathi,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli


Dr Ch Surya Kiran,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli


Dr K Prathyusha,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli


Dr V Ramesh Babu,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli


Dr D Ratna Kishore,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli


Dr N V Surendra Babu,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli



Chief Patron:


Dr. R Venkat Rao

Sri K Sreedhar

Er K SekharBabu

Er Ch Ravi Kumar




Dr M V N Sarma

Conference Chair:


Dr. K. V. Sambasiva Rao, Dean and Professor

Department of Computer Science Engineering

Conference Co-chairs:


Dr P. Rama Koteswara Rao,

Professor ECE, NRIIT


Steering Committee:


Sri Praveen Kamath

General Manager, Global Delivery and

Enablement,WIPRO Technologies, Hyderabad


Dr. SanatanSukhija

Assistant Professor, Ecole Centrale School of Engineering,

Mahindra University, Hyderabad


Dr. Neha Bharill

Assistant Professor, Ecole Centrale School of Engineering,

Mahindra University, Hyderabad


Dr. K Vijayakumar

Associate Professor, BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru


Prof.     G Ram Murthy, Mahindra University, Hyderabad

Dr N SambasivaRao HOD,EEE,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli


Dr M Chaitanya Kishore Reddy, IT,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli


Dr N Surendra Babu,

Director, T & P Cell


Dr K Prasada Rao, HOD, Mech,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli


Sri P Narendra Babu HOD,CIVIL,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli


Dr M Babu Prasad HOD,FED,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli


Dr K Krishna Rao, S & H,

NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli



Dr. P.Rama Koteswara Rao,

Professor ECE, NRIIT


Dr. D. Sunitha,



Mrs Y. Arpitha,  HOD ECE, NRIIT 



Dr. P.Rama Koteswara Rao,  Professor ECE, NRIIT







Committee Members:










































Committee Members:



DR.R.SUNITHA, Professor ECE Department


Dr K Swathi, Professor, NRIIT


Dr Ch Surya Kiran, Professor CSE, NRIIT


Dr K Prathyusha, Associate Professor ECE


B.V.R.V PRASAD, Professor ECE Department


Mrs.K.Udaya Sri Assoc Professor ECE Department


DR.V. RAMESH BABU, Professor ECE Department


ABDUL RAHIMAN.SK, Assoc Professor ECE Department


S.V RAMA RAO, Assoc Professor ECE Department

V.SRINIVASA RAO, Assoc Professor ECE Department


G.SRINIVAS BABU, Assoc Professor ECE Department


R.UPENDAR RAO, Assoc Professor ECE Department


Mr. P. Narendra Babu , Asst Professor CSE Department


SK.ASHRAF ALI, Assoc Professor ECE Department


D.RAVI SHANKAR, Assoc Professor ECE Department


CH.SWATHI, Asst Professor ECE Department


P.L.AMRUTHA VALLI, Asst Professor ECE Department


CH.SWAPNA, Asst Professor ECE Department


Mr. P. Raghuveer, Asst Professor CSE Department


B.PHANINDRA KUMAR, Asst Professor ECE Department


A.SATTI BABU, Asst Professor ECE Department


V.SWAPNA, Asst Professor ECE Department


Ch V Murali Krishna , Assoc Professor CSE Department


Mr. Venendra G, Asst Professor CSE Department


M.MAHESH, Asst Professor ECE Department


Mr. K. Chandra Mouli,  Assoc Professor CSE Department


M.POORNA KISHORE, Asst Professor ECE Department


P.VENUGOPAL, Assoc Professor ECE Department




Mr. M.V.P Uma Maheswara Rao,  Assoc Professor CSE Department


Mr. B. Dasaradha Ram Assoc Professor CSE Department


Mr.R.Seetharam Assoc Professor CSE Department


N.RAMYA, Asst Professor ECE Department


N.MALATHI, Asst Professor ECE Department





International Advisory Board Members (Tentative)



Name of Board Member



Prof. Lajos Hanzo


Professor, Electronics and Computer Science, University in Southampton, United Kingdom.


Prof. Soundar Kumara

Affiliate Professor of Information Sciences and Technology, Penn State University, USA.


Prof. Dr. F. Al-Turjman

Professor & Research Center Director, Near East University, Turkey.


Prof. Naveen Chilamkurti

Reader/Associate Professor, Comp Sci & Info Tech

Latrobe University, Australia


Prof. Marcos Eduardo Valle

Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics

Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing (IMECC),


Prof. Marco Di Renzo

CNRS Research Director

Centrale Supelec – University Paris-Sud Paris, FRANCE


Prof Shad Mekhilef,     Mohiuddin Ahmed

Dean and Professor University of Malaya, Malaysia



National Advisory Board Members (Tentative)



Name of Board Member



Sri Praveen Kamath


General Manager, Global Delivery and Enablement,

WIPRO Technologies, Hyderabad


Dr. SanatanSukhija


Assistant Professor, Ecole Centrale School of Engineering,

Mahindra University, Hyderabad


Dr. Md Rashid Mahmood


Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus



Prof O B V Ramanaiah

Computer Science and Engineering Department

J N T University, Hyderabad, India


Prof. J V R Murthy

Computer Science and Engineering Department

J N T University, Kakinada, India


Prof R B V Subramanyam

Computer Science and Engineering Department

NIT, Warangal


Prof. V.V. Subrahmanyam

Director & Professor

School of Computer and Information Sciences (SOCIS)

IGNOU, New Delhi


Dr. Neha Bharill

Assistant Professor, Ecole Centrale School of Engineering,

Mahindra University, Hyderabad


Dr. K Vijayakumar

Associate Professor, BMS College of Engineering,



Dr. Rahul Pandya,

Asst Professor, E.E. Dept, IIT Dharwad.



Prof G Vara Prasad,

Computer Science and Engineering Department,

B M S College of Engineering, Bengaluru



Professor and HOD

Information Technology

PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology

Kanuru, Vijayawada


Dr. Vishnu Srinivasa Murthy Y

Vellore Institute of Technology


Dr. Krishna Prasad P.E.S.N

Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Tirupati


Prof. G. Rama Murthy

Mahindra University, Hyderabad





Chief Patrons Dr. R Venkat Rao, Chairman, NRI Group of Colleges
Dr. G Sambasivarao, Director – Academics,NRIIT
Dr. G Rosaiah, Director – Administration, NRIIT
Patrons Dr. C Naga Bhaskar, Principal,NRIIT
General Chair Dr. K. V. Sambasiva Rao, Professor & Dean, CSE, NRIIT
Organizing Committee* Dr. Y Srinivasa Vishnu Murthy, Manipal Institute of Technology, Bengaluru
Prof. Rama Murthy Garimella, Mahindra University, Hyderabad
Dr. Ramesh Kumar Bhukya, Indian Institute of Information Technology-Allahabad,
Dr. Bheemappa Halavar, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor
Dr.M.Venkateswara Rao, Prof.IT
     Dr. G Shobana, Prof., CSE
Dr. K Krishna Prakash, Prof. CSM
Dr M Chaitanya Kishore Reddi, IT Department
Program Execution Committee* Dr. D Suneetha, HOD: CSE
Dr. J Rajendra Prasad, HOD : IT
Dr. P Rajendra Kumar, HOD : AIML
Dr. Bh Dasaradha Ram, HOD : CSM
Dr. Ch V Murali Krishna, HOD : CSD
Mr.B.Venugopal, Assoc Prof.  CSE
Mr.N.V.Satyanarayana, Assoc Prof. CSE
Dr.D.Vijay Kumar, Assoc Prof . CSD
Technical Programme Committee* Dr. R Natarajan, Former Chairman, AICTE; Former Director IIT Madras (Chair)
Prof. K. Sreenivasa Rao, IIT KGP (Co-chair)
Dr. Anil Vuppala, IIIT Hyderabad
Dr. Ansuman Mohapatra, NIT, Puducherry
Dr. D. Suneetha, HOD CSE, NRIIT
Dr. Sumith N, MIT, Manipal
Dr. Basavaraj Talawar, NITK, Surathkal
Dr .Teju, NRIIT
Dr.Jannu Chaitanya, NRIIT
Poster/Workshop Committee* Dr. D Suneetha, Professor, NRIIT (Chair)
Dr. Y Srinivasa Vishnu Murthy, Manipal Institute of Technology, Bengaluru (Co-Chair)
Dr. B Kondalu Naik, NRIIT
Mr.M.V.P.Uma Maheswara Rao, Assoc Prof.CSE
Mrs.S.Nahida, Assoc Prof.CSE
Dr.P.Durga, Assoc Prof.CSE
Publication Chair Dr. K V Sambasiva Rao, CSE Department, NRIIT (Chair)
Dr. D Suneetha, CSE Department, NRIIT (Co-Chair)
National Advisory Committee* Dr. D.Rajya Lakshmi, Vice- Chancellor (i/c), JNTU, Vizianagaram (Chair)
Dr. Jay Singh, BL Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, New Delhi 
Prof. V.V. Subrahmanyam, SOCIS, IGNOU, New Delhi (Member)
Dr. J. Venkataramanaiah, EEE, NIT Surat (Member)
Dr. Bheemappa Halavar, IIIT Sricity (Member)
Dr.M H M Krishna Prasad, Professor, JNTUK, Kakinada(Member)
Prof K Viswanadha Raju, JNTU Jagityala, Telangana (Member)
Dr.P.Sandhya, Profesor, SCOPE, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai (Member)
Dr. B V Subba Rao, HOD IT, PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada (Member)
International Advisory Committee* Prof. Soundar Kumara, Penn State University, USA
Prof. Lajos Hanzo, University in Southampton, UK
Prof. Dr. F. Al-Turjman, Near East University, Turkey
Prof. Naveen Chilamkurti, Latrobe University, Australia
Dr. Mohammad S Khan, East Tennessee State University, USA
Prof. Marcos Eduardo Valle, University of Campinas, Brazil
Prof. Saad Mekhilef, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Dr. Manjunath Mulimani, Tampere University, Finland
Mrs G Sagarika, Data Analyst, First Citizens Bank, Dallas, Texas, USA



Chief Patrons

  • Dr R Venkat Rao, Chairman, NRIIT

  • Sri K Sreedhar, Secretary, SDMES

  • Sri Ch Ravi Kumar, Director, NRIIT

  • Col.B.Venkat, Director, Faculty Development Cell, AICTE


  • Dr C Naga Bhaskar, Principal

  • Dr G. Rosaiah,Director, Administration & R & D


General Chair

  • Dr. K. V. Sambasiva Rao, Professor & Dean, CSE, NRIIT (Chair)


Organizing Committee

  • Dr. P.Rama Koteswara Rao, Professor ECE, NRIIT
  • Dr. Y Srinivasa Vishnu Murthy, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore 
  • Prof. Rama Murthy Garimella, Mahindra University, Hyderabad
  • Dr. Ramesh Kumar Bhukya, Indian Institute of Information Technology-Allahabad, Prayagraj.
  • Dr. Bheemappa Halavar, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor

Program Execution  Committee 

  • Dr D Sunitha, HOD, CSE
  • Dr K Prathyusha, ECE
  • Dr V Ramesh Babu, ECE
  • Dr N V Surendra Babu, T & P
  • Dr.N.SambasivaRao HOD, EEE
  • Dr  M Purna Kishore, ECE
  • Dr G Shobana, CSE


Technical Programme Committee

  • Dr R Natarajan, Former Chairman, AICTE, Former Director IIT Madras (Chair)
  • Prof. K. Sreenivasa Rao, IIT KGP  (Co-chair)
  • Dr. Anil Vuppala, IIIT Hyderabad  
  • Dr. Ansuman Mohapatra, NIT, Puducherry
  • Dr. D. Sunitha, HOD CSE, NRIIT
  • Dr. V. Ramesh Babu, Associate Professor ECE, NRIIT 
  • Dr Sumith N, MIT, Manipal 
  • Dr Basavaraj Talawar, NITK, Surathkal

Poster/Workshop Committee

  • Prof.  R Sunitha, Professor, NRIIT (Chair-Posters/Workshops)
  • Dr. Y Srinivasa Vishnu Murthy, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore (Co- Chair-Posters/Workshops)
  • Dr M Chaitanya Kishore Reddy, HOD IT, NRIIT
  • Dr Ch Surya Kiran, Professor CSE, NRIIT




Publication Chair

  • Dr K V Sambasivarao, CSE Department, NRIIT (Chair)
  • Dr  P Rama Koteswara Rao, ECE Department, NRIIT 


National Advisory Committee

  • Dr. Manjunath Mulimani, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal (Chair)
  • Dr Jay Singh, Professor, BL Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, New Delhi (Co-Chair)

  • Prof. Y Arpitha, ECE Dept, NRIIT (Member)

  • Prof. V.V. Subrahmanyam Director & Professor School of Computer and Information Sciences (SOCIS) IGNOU, New Delhi – 110068 (Member)

  • Dr B V Subba Rao Professor and HOD Information Technology PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology Kanuru, Vijayawada (Member)

  • Dr. J. Venkataramanaiah, EEE, NIT Surat  (Member) 

  • Dr. Bheemappa Halavar, IIIT Sricity (Member)  

  • Prof G Vara Prasad, CSE Department, B M S College of Engineering, Bengaluru (Accepted by Call) (Member)

  • Dr J V R Murthy, Professor, J N T U, Kakinada (Accepted by Call) (Member)


International Advisory Committee

  • Prof. Soundar Kumara, Affiliate Professor of Information Sciences and Technology, Penn State University, USA
  • Prof. Lajos Hanzo, Professor, Electronics and Computer Science, University in Southampton, United Kingdom
  • Prof. Dr. F. Al-Turjman, Professor & Research Center Director, Near East University, Turkey
  • Prof. Naveen Chilamkurti, Reader/Associate Professor, Comp Sci & Info Tech Latrobe University, Australia
  • Dr. Mohammad S Khan, Professor Department of Computing, East Tennessee State University, USA
  • Prof. Marcos Eduardo Valle, Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing (IMECC), University of Campinas, Brazil
  • Prof. Marco Di Renzo, CNRS Research Director, Centrale Supelec – University Paris-Sud Paris, FRANCE
  • Prof. Saad Mekhilef, Dean & Professor, University of Malaya, Malaysia.




Chief Patron

Dr R Venkat Rao, Chairman, NRIIT

Sri K Sreedhar, Secretary, SDMES

Sri Ch Ravi Kumar, Director, NRIIT

Col.B.Venkat, Director, Faculty Development Cell, AICTE



Dr C Naga Bhaskar, Principal

Dr G. Rosaiah,Director, Administration,R&D

Conference Chair

Dr. K. V. Sambasiva Rao, Dean and Professo(Department of Computer Science Engineering)




Organizing Committee

Dr. P.Rama Koteswara Rao, Professor ECE, NRIIT

Dr. Y Srinivasa Vishnu Murthy, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore

Prof. Rama Murthy Garimella, Mahindra University, Hyderabad

Dr. Ramesh Kumar Bhukya, Indian Institute of Information Technology-Allahabad, Prayagraj.

Dr. Bheemappa Halavar, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor




Program Execution Committee

Dr D Sunitha, HOD : CSE

Dr K Prathusha, ECE

Dr V Ramesh Babu, ECE

Dr N V Surendra Babu, T & P

Dr.N.SambasivaRao HOD, EEE

Dr M Purna Kishore, ECE

Dr G Shobana, CSE




Technical Programme Committee

Dr R Natarajan, Former Chairman, AICTE, Former Director IIT Madras (Chair)

Prof. K. Sreenivasa Rao, IIT KGP (Co-chair)

Dr. Anil Vuppala, IIIT Hyderabad

Dr. Ansuman Mohapatra, NIT, Puducherry

Dr. D. Sunitha, HOD CSE, NRIIT

Dr. V. Ramesh Babu, Associate Professor ECE, NRIIT

Dr Sumith N, MIT, Manipal

Dr Basavaraj Talawar, NITK, Surathkal



Poster/Workshop Committee

Prof.  R Sunitha, Professor, NRIIT (Chair-Posters/Workshops)

Dr. Y Srinivasa Vishnu Murthy, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore (Co- Chair-Posters/Workshops

Dr M Chaitanya Kishore Reddy, HOD IT, NRIIT

Dr Ch Surya Kiran, Professor CSE, NRIIT


Publication Chair


Dr K V Sambasivarao, CSE Department, NRIIT (Chair)

Dr  P Rama Koteswara Rao, ECE Department, NRIIT









`National Advisory Committee

Dr. Manjunath Mulimani, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal (Chair)

Dr Jay Singh, Professor, BL Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, New Delhi (Co-Chair)

Prof. Y Arpitha, ECE Dept, NRIIT (Member)

Prof. V.V. Subrahmanyam Director & Professor School of Computer and Information Sciences (SOCIS) IGNOU, New Delhi – 110068 (Member)

Dr B V Subba Rao Professor and HOD Information Technology PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology Kanuru, Vijayawada (Member)

Dr. J. Venkataramanaiah, EEE, NIT Surat     (Member)

Dr. Bheemappa Halavar, IIIT Sricity (Member)

Prof G Vara Prasad, CSE Department, B M S College of Engineering, Bengaluru (Accepted by Call) (Member)

Dr J V R Murthy, Professor, J N T U, Kakinada (Accepted by Call) (Member)







International Advisory Committee

Prof. Soundar Kumara, Affiliate Professor of Information Sciences and Technology, Penn State University, USA

Prof. Lajos Hanzo, Professor, Electronics and Computer Science, University in Southampton, United Kingdom

Prof. Dr. F. Al-Turjman, Professor & Research Center Director, Near East University, Turkey

Prof. Naveen Chilamkurti, Reader/Associate

Professor, Comp Sci & Info Tech Latrobe University, Australia

Dr. Mohammad S Khan, Professor Department of Computing, East Tennessee State University, USA

Prof. Marcos Eduardo Valle, Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing (IMECC), University of Campinas, Brazil

Prof. Marco Di Renzo, CNRS Research Director, Centrale Supelec – University Paris-Sud Paris, FRANCE

Prof. Saad Mekhilef, Dean & Professor, University of Malaya, Malaysia.

Chief Patron


Dr R Venkat Rao, Chairman, NRIIT

Sri K Sreedhar, Secretary, SDMES

Sri Ch Ravi Kumar, Director, NRIIT

Col.B.Venkat, Director, Faculty Development Cell, AICTE



Dr C Naga Bhaskar, Principal

Dr G. Rosaiah,Director, Administration,R&D

Conference Chair


Dr. K. V. Sambasiva Rao, Dean and Professo(Department of Computer Science Engineering)

Organizing Committee

Dr. P.Rama Koteswara Rao, Professor ECE, NRIIT

Dr. Y Srinivasa Vishnu Murthy, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore 

Prof. Rama Murthy Garimella, Mahindra University, Hyderabad

Dr. Ramesh Kumar Bhukya, Indian Institute of Information Technology-Allahabad, Prayagraj.

Dr. Bheemappa Halavar, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor

Program Execution Committee

Dr D Sunitha, HOD : CSE

Dr K Prathusha, ECE

Dr V Ramesh Babu, ECE

Dr N V Surendra Babu, T & P

Dr.N.SambasivaRao HOD, EEE

Dr M Purna Kishore, ECE

Dr G Shobana, CSE

Technical Programme Committee

Dr R Natarajan, Former Chairman, AICTE, Former Director IIT Madras (Chair)

Prof. K. Sreenivasa Rao, IIT KGP (Co-chair)

Dr. Anil Vuppala, IIIT Hyderabad  

Dr. Ansuman Mohapatra, NIT, Puducherry

Dr. D. Sunitha, HOD CSE, NRIIT

Dr. V. Ramesh Babu, Associate Professor ECE, NRIIT 

Dr Sumith N, MIT, Manipal 

Dr Basavaraj Talawar, NITK, Surathkal

Poster/Workshop Committee

Prof.  R Sunitha, Professor, NRIIT (Chair-Posters/Workshops)

Dr. Y Srinivasa Vishnu Murthy, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore (Co- Chair-Posters/Workshops

Dr M Chaitanya Kishore Reddy, HOD IT, NRIIT

Dr Ch Surya Kiran, Professor CSE, NRIIT

Publication Chair


Dr K V Sambasivarao, CSE Department, NRIIT (Chair)

Dr  P Rama Koteswara Rao, ECE Department, NRIIT

National Advisory Committee


Dr. Manjunath Mulimani, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal (Chair)

Dr Jay Singh, Professor, BL Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, New Delhi (Co-Chair)

Prof. Y Arpitha, ECE Dept, NRIIT (Member)

Prof. V.V. Subrahmanyam Director & Professor School of Computer and Information Sciences (SOCIS) IGNOU, New Delhi – 110068 (Member)

Dr B V Subba Rao Professor and HOD Information Technology PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology Kanuru, Vijayawada (Member)

Dr. J. Venkataramanaiah, EEE, NIT Surat     (Member) 

Dr. Bheemappa Halavar, IIIT Sricity (Member)     

Prof G Vara Prasad, CSE Department, B M S College of Engineering, Bengaluru (Accepted by Call) (Member)

Dr J V R Murthy, Professor, J N T U, Kakinada (Accepted by Call) (Member)

International Advisory Committee


Prof. Soundar Kumara, Affiliate Professor of Information Sciences and Technology, Penn State University, USA

Prof. Lajos Hanzo, Professor, Electronics and Computer Science, University in Southampton, United Kingdom

Prof. Dr. F. Al-Turjman, Professor & Research Center Director, Near East University, Turkey

Prof. Naveen Chilamkurti, Reader/Associate 

Professor, Comp Sci & Info Tech Latrobe University, Australia

Dr. Mohammad S Khan, Professor Department of Computing, East Tennessee State University, USA

Prof. Marcos Eduardo Valle, Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing (IMECC), University of Campinas, Brazil

Prof. Marco Di Renzo, CNRS Research Director, Centrale Supelec – University Paris-Sud Paris, FRANCE

Prof. Saad Mekhilef, Dean & Professor, University of Malaya, Malaysia.